I am currently working on establishing my own web site which eventually will be located at http://www.oldprof.com.
There's not much there right now but I'll let you know when I have something. Right now, I am about at 2nd grade level in learning the HTML language needed to set this thing up. I'm finding it fascinating but time consuming. In fact, I just finished importing my Brazilian Volleyball story to my web site and though it maybe crude and possibly even ugly, it's mine!
There's not much there right now but I'll let you know when I have something. Right now, I am about at 2nd grade level in learning the HTML language needed to set this thing up. I'm finding it fascinating but time consuming. In fact, I just finished importing my Brazilian Volleyball story to my web site and though it maybe crude and possibly even ugly, it's mine!
So, I'll see you later, I hope.
The Old Professor
P.S. As an afterthought, if you would like me to notify you when my new website is ready I would be honored to do so. Just go down to the bottom here, click on COMMENTS and give me an e-mail address. Thanks.