I replied and after determining that he had an expenses account, I met him for lunch.
We chatted and he still was interested but wanted to also talk with Jen-Chi and get a couple of pictures. So, we set up a date for him to come to the house and he did.
The three of us had a nice chat with Jon scribbling furiously all the time. As he left he indicated the story would probably appear the following Friday, which it did.
The photographer arrived about an hour later.
I was surprised at the number of photographs he took. He must have click-clicked that thing 40 or 50 times and then he left.
This senior couple found adventure --
and each other--
on the Internet
A few hours later our phone rang and it was a neighbor who wanted to compliment us. She didn't ask for autographs but did want to know our web site address. I told her it was www.oldprof.com and she thanked me. Then just as I was leaving to get some additional papers to send to our out-of-town friends and relatives, the phone rang. Jen-Chi said, "Wait a minute. It may be another one of our fans." It wasn't but we both laughed.
If you would like to read the story it is online.
To view just click here Monterey Herald
I tried to scan the photos from the paper but they aren't very good. However, if you want an idea of what they were I have them in storage at my web site. You can see one at
and another at:
So, all right, now we are famous. I had always heard of "Fame and Fortune". When does the Fortune part begin?
The Old Professor
Carmel, CA
May 28, 2005