The cost of operating Air Force One is $40,243 per hour of flight. Each year the Pentagon spends approximately $185 million on travel expenses for the President and his top aides, according to the House Post Office Committee's Subcommittee on Human Resources.
I also assume that most people have seen one or more movies where the pilot of the airplane is overpowered by bad guys and forced to carry out some evil mission. In each of the movies that I saw there is always a plea for someone who knows how to fly the airplane. Should we not take this into consideration when we choose our next president?
Now, it's a well-known fact that John McCain was a pilot in the United States Navy. It's equally well-known that Barack Obama was not. Would it not make sense for us to have a president who knows how to fly an airplane in the event of an emergency? On the other hand, I suppose it wouldn't cost too much to train a president to do this. After all, I was in the United States Navy and I flew airplanes so it couldn't be too hard.
The Old Professor
Carmel, CA
August 28, 2008